Author Archives: Drivesa5
There can be only Shed. An exercise in maximizing space usage and making the most of a small area, Shed began life as an 8×8 kit. Its floors and walls were reinforced and some shelves were added in the rafters. … Continue reading
GUV: gutted utility vehicle© My Sunbird is part daily driven commuter, the occasional drag racer, and also part pickup truck! Below it’s loaded up with a set of 55 gallon plastic drums, and later a 2.0L shortblock which are just … Continue reading
Solid motor and trans mounts.
In yet another move that makes very little sense for a daily driven street car, I decided to go ahead and replace my completely shot factory motor mounts with solid ones. Every mount was beyond destroyed; they had all dropped … Continue reading
Tensioner breakdown.
The latest bit of automotive excitement that’s happened lately was the complete failure of my timing belt tensioner. When my first one froze up and was no longer tensioning, it caused the belt to shred teeth off from vibration. So … Continue reading
Post-winter woes.
Adding another winter of not washing and daily driving my bird (on top of probably every other winter it has ever seen) has resulted in, you guessed it, rust and rot holes! Vacuuming out some dirt from my floorpan a … Continue reading
GN build update March edition.
Slow progress, but progress none the less! Recently, I’ve measured and purchased a bunch of stainless hardware to replace most of the old upper engine hardware, and today I pressed in the new throttle body seals using a 4 inch … Continue reading
Unobtrusive Audio v2.0
My original post “Lightweight, unobtrusive audio.” details my first ipod-only audio setup. This one has been a long time coming, because version two has been in effect for quite a while now. When pod one died I went soundless for … Continue reading
More deletions.
The latest items added to the Sunbird parts scrap heap in the name of simplicity and weight savings are the trunk mounted tail lenses and plastic trim panel. The lenses do contain the backup lights, but other than that are … Continue reading
Please paint that thing.
I got this stuck to my windshield yesterday … nobody else’s car in the lot got one. I think I’m insulted. edit: by comment request, I’ve added a picture showing some of my paint. Apparently the reason it looks like … Continue reading
Visions of the Moment.
Here are my current visions for the four cars currently in the 5.OCD garage. These tend to change, but here’s what’s in my mind at this particular moment in time… Mustang This one probably I see as one of the … Continue reading